Established in 2008, Daily Hive is a Canadian online news source that pushes the creative landscape by delivering compelling, hyperlocal content. With unique thematic channels, such as Dished, Mapped, and Urbanized, Daily Hive delivers top-tier information to its local audience and advertisers in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, and now EDMONTON!
Continuing the success of Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal, Devebyte Marketing looks to assist Daily Hive in developing a long term strategy for growth and operations in Edmonton. Devebyte Marketing was founded by Justin Jones & Danny Pizarro, a full scale Digital Marketing Agency servicing businesses of all sizes with SEO, paid media, lead generation, creative branding, and web design & development.
“We know the grand opportunity Daily Hive presents by entering the Edmonton market. Advertisers and influencers in our city now have another outlet to get their story out, their brand seen, and ultimately more customers for their businesses. We look forward to helping Daily Hive break ground in Edmonton”
-Danny Pizarro
Co Founder, Devebyte Marketing
What’s next?
Businesses in the Edmonton region who are looking to expand their Marketing and take advantage of Daily Hive’s far-reaching multi-channel platform can get in touch with Devebyte to discuss advertising on the Daily Hive platform.
Welcome to Daily Hive Edmonton!